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Landmark Ruling Could Impact Environmental Rules

Supreme Court Weakens Power of Federal Agencies to Approve Regulations

Landmark Ruling Could Impact Environmental Rules

Breaking News Summary

In a major decision on Friday, the Supreme Court significantly weakened the power of federal agencies to approve regulations. The decision could make it easier for courts to block regulations issued by agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

The ruling came in one of three cases during the 2023-24 term seeking to curtail the power of federal agencies. In a 6-3 decision, the Court ruled that agencies must have clear authority from Congress to issue regulations that have a major economic impact.

The Biden administration had urged the Supreme Court to leave the long-standing precedent known as "Chevron deference" in place. Chevron deference allows federal courts to defer to an agency's interpretation of ambiguous laws when that interpretation is reasonable.

The decision is a victory for conservative efforts to limit the power of federal agencies. It could have significant implications for environmental regulations, which often rely on agency interpretations of federal laws.
